About Us
- Free to candidates and the public.
- Powerful mobile mapping and augmented reality search tools.
- Candidate controlled BLE beacon-based analytic reports.
- Survey and fundraising services.
- Available globally via AWS
Candidates / have a web/mobile tool for broadcasting and updating their schedules on the fly. Each event’s demographics and numbers are immediately available, plus trends. Other social media options, messaging, and fundraising are integrated.
Supporters / have their choice of a free Android or iOS app for viewing locations and times of rallies, fundraisers and meet-and-greets. All routes are laid out and an augmented reality visual is available pointing the way. Favorite candidates are easier to find and share with others.
State and county parties / automatically receive multiple measures of county and candidate performance along with reports and analytics.
Annual cost of basic service is a penny per capita times the county’s total population.